- 2000 JUN 14-


00-06-14          0730    Continued CANMET attendance. 

            Larry FOGG was present for BOEING, but Jim FOOT had to attend xxxx.  Larry suggested that I engage John GARSTANG in a conversation regarding the investigation’s end date.  He has apparently learned something from Doug McEWEN as a result of his working with GERDEN with his scheduling software.

            Dr. BROWN is of the opinion that both the magnesium and the aluminium cannot be selectively removed from the carbonate compounds, from the seawater, or from the aircraft parts that they might contact while underwater.  Any magnesium or aluminium in the arced wire melts had to have been collected prior to the impact, while in a molten state.

            Dr. BROWN advised that he would like to examine several of the wire ends that have been attached to the aluminium frame.  He wants samples that have a large area of exposed copper surface without physical contact with the aluminium.  He wants to see if aluminium will physically migrate down the outside surface of the wire.  I advised him that I would photograph the wire in place, then remove it and send it to him so that he can perform the examinations.  He would also like a paint sample to examine.

            Dr. BROWN feels that the presence of carbonates indicates an animal action on the wires.  It is not uncommon for microbes and fungus to attack the copper and deposit carbonates as part of their living environment.  This would occur faster in shallow water due to sunlight penetration.  In deeper water, it would be a much slower operation, due to the lack of sunlight.  An example of this is the ‘Titanic’.  Bacteria are slowly eating the steel, but it would be a much faster process in shallower water.



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