Gorman's handwriting is as follows:
I fully support this travel for Sgt. T.
Juby to attend at the FIB/TEM testing in Ottawa.
Valuable information could be gained from this
examination with regards to the elements present
in the beads.
I question whether there is a requirement
to attend at the FAA Test Center. There
will be experts available to determine the fire
load and to give opinions. This
information should be obtained from the TSB or
the FAA as in the past.
Vic Gorman S/Sgt.
Strange is it not that I would be able to
attend Ottawa for testing with Dr. Brown, who
was the top expert in his field. Yet I
would not be allowed to attend at the FAA Burn
Center even though for much of the testing I
would be the only person onsite knowledgeable of
what the layout of the MD-11 overhead actually
was like. What's more, when the FAA people
learned that I was the photographer and
videographer, they were much relieved as they
did not want the responsibility of having to do
it themselves.
Then we have Lathem's non-decision
regarding my attendance. No support from
my supervisors because I was not supposed to
carry out a criminal investigation.