- 2001 JUN 15 -


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01-06-15          ......      This afternoon received an email from Wendy NORMAN regarding the lab reports as follows:

From: Wendy Norman      PRIVATE

To:       Tom Juby            Date:   6/15/01 12:30PM

Subject:           Re: Swissair 111  Lab Report Update

            Jim Foot (and Vic and ??) saw me here in Ottawa at a meeting about the analysis done by  Dr. Brown on 3 May 01.  If he wanted to know the status of my work, he could have asked and got the answer face to face!  The answer is: nothing has been done since my last communication (except the meeting referred to above) and I don't see any time in the near future when I am likely to have time to do anything wrt Swissair.  The consolidation of explosives analysis from Vancouver into Ottawa is set for 1 APR 2002 and we have a very full timeline and schedule to accomplish in order to meet that date.  Sorry I am not the bearer of good news!

E. Wendy W. Norman   i/c Chemistry Section   Forensic Laboratory Services     Ottawa

>>> Tom Juby >>>

            Hi Wendy, how goes the battle.

            Jim FOOT has been asking for an update on your final reports.  He is trying to get his own final report written, as there is a lot of pressure to get the thing finished up.

When you get a chance, please let me know so I can pass it on to him.

Thanks.   Tom              CC:    Joe Deak

            Saved in today’s email.  Will discuss it with Neil Fraser next week and will send a copy to Insp. LATHEM.  Don’t know what exhibits are in question, but she will surely have to submit something.

(Clarification:)    The significance of this email will soon come to light, especially the comment about the meeting with Jim and Vic on ‘3 MAY 01’.  It confirms that she was present and involved.




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