- 2001 NOV 22 -


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01-11-22          0700    Morning routine.

            Worked on notes and email this morning, including a message to Don ENNS and John GARSTANG that it seems the FAA-3 trip for me is still on, but that will be the end.  Then a phone call from John GARSTANG asking me to ship the insulation to Ottawa.  They can have Gus SIDLA drive it down with their van, allowing me to fly out on the Sunday and return on the Saturday.  This will cut down on my travel time.


            Also received a phone call from Gail JAY from the Ident office to say that Insp. TANNER had a letter for me that I had to pick up today.  It will be at the front desk of HQ for me.  So, at 1600 hrs, I picked it up. 

            Basically, it seems that Insp. TANNER has had a chance to think about yesterday’s meeting, and now he doesn’t know about the trip to FAA-3, and anything further will be dealt with by him.  He wants the meeting on Monday, but I am to begin moving things over, and I will be in the Ident office by next week.  No mention of time off, etc.  He wants me to finish up the Swissair file ASAP.

            So, on returning to ‘A’ Hangar, I spoke with John and Don.  They are planning on my attendance, so I have to advise them that there is a serious chance I will not be allowed to attend.  They both were very concerned, and John sent me a faxed copy of the latest extension request that GERDEN had sent to LATHEM on the 14th.  It clearly asks for an extension until 01-12-14 and cites the reason as the trip.  TANNER did not have this memo during yesterday’s meeting.  They are also requesting that GERDEN call TANNER to straighten this matter out.

            Again, another case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.  Why TANNER did not have the latest memo, I certainly do not know.  It was faxed to LATHEM on 01-11-14, and it seems that communications between LATHEM and TANNER do not exist.  However, I now have that memo, and I suspect that TANNER will have it by tomorrow.  It is a specific request, and I doubt that he will be able to deny it.








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(Clarification:)          Tanner with his 'The following terms are not negotiable' and his limitations on the work to be provided has arbitrarily made a ruling that was contrary to the intstructios of D/Commissioner Duncan, and even those of Lathem.  Where was Lathem during all of this, as he was still in charge of the Major Crime Unit.  It's obvious that they desperatly wanted me finished with the investigation, and someone was very worried that my further involvement with the FAA tests might provide me an opportunity to leak the truth.

            Tanner, being a poor manager, was heavy handed in his approach and the memo reflects this.  There was a total lack of respect for what I had been doing, and indeed, a totally ignorant attitude towards my well being.  Who would ever desire to work for a guy with an attitude like this?




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